Angielski tytuł

  • The responsibility for the future of the Earth is in our hands
  • We support companies in their pursuit towards zero emissions
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(emisji CO2)
One car emits in to the atmosphere per year
emissions per 1st passenger of an airplane on a route from Europe to Australia
Emit coal-fired power plants into the atmosphere, producing 1 kWh of energy
We emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year

Awareness of the need to change the approach to the planet

Greenhouse gas emission reductions are at the heart of the 2016 Paris Agreement on Climate Change Mitigation. Today 191 countries of the world are parties to the agreement.

Under the Paris Agreement, each country must identify, plan and regularly report on the contribution it is making to mitigate global warming. There is no mechanism forcing a country to set a specific emissions target by a specific deadline, but any subsequent target should go beyond the previously set targets.

The ecological situation on earth is very worrying. The extinction of more animal species, deforestation and burning of forests - not only in the Amazon, expansive colonization of forest areas for commercial purposes, dramatically melting Antarctic icebergs and glaciers are the merits of many years of exploration of mine raw materials, the development of technology based on energy from mine deposits. Let us make a contribution to building a new ecological order. By choosing products manufactured in factories with a negligible carbon footprint of the manufactured product and organization - we help the world by rebuilding the Earth's ecosystem necessary for all of us to live. With less plastic, coal, oil and gas, we are taking a giant leap for mankind on a global scale.

Energy transformation - profits only

The joint effort of - above all - large enterprises must be active participation in the energy transformation that is currently taking place in the world. In addition to the obvious pro-ecological considerations, an important aspect for business is, of course, profits. Current solutions - even only in the area of solar systems and energy storage - meet these assumptions. Investment Consulting Enterprise will provide you with professional service at every stage of the energy transformation.

Social responsibility of business and customers for the future of our generations

Mature, modern organizations are sensitive to human existence, this existence can be improved by supporting sectors and companies by purchasing products manufactured by producers that respect nature, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and strive to minimize the carbon footprint in production processes.

We are the customers who have an impact on making consumer choices - let's choose wisely, supporting responsible companies that are participants in the new ecological order. Let management boards and business owners make wise decisions to become one of the participants in the energy transformation using green energy.